APPIS 2019 will be held on 7-9 January 2019 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
It will be followed by the Winter School on Machine Learning (WISMAL) on 10-12 January 2019.

APPIS 2019 and WISMAL 2019 are organised by the University of Groningen and University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

You can find more information in the Call For Papers and in the Registration page.

Gran Canaria

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Weather and temperature in Las Palmas

The temperature in Las Palmas in January is 20-25 degrees in the afternoon and 15-20 degrees in the night.
When the sun shines (which is most of the time) the perceived temperature during the day is 3-4 degrees higher. The water temperature is about 22 degrees.